Q. Is it cheaper to order more than one?
A. Yes, shipping only goes up about $1 per extra game.

Q. Can I get replacement game parts if I lose a piece?
A. Yes, Within one year from date of purchase, I will replace a lost or damaged game part at no cost. You will need to email me a brief story of the disaster that befell your game piece.

Q. My game got wet on our canoe trip, burned when I tried to dry it by the campfire, my dog ate the playing pieces after the box got hit by lightening. Can I get a replacement game?
A. Yes, I can send you a replacement game and you will only need to pay the wholesale cost.  If you need a replacement game box as well, the usual flat rate for shipping will apply. You will need to provide a detailed account of what happened and a photo of the sad state of your game to convince me of the validity of your claim.

Q. Why do you need my phone number for international orders.

A. Paypal requires a phone number for international orders.